ESG Strategy
OMNIVISION’s mission is to empower lives through innovative technology solutions, by maximizing the benefits of human/device interactions, while the vision is to seamlessly integrate humans and the digital world for a brighter future. ESG strategy consists of three pillars: 1.) Green Operations, 2.) Talent Orientation, and 3.) Pioneering Innovation.

Governance Structure
For the long-term sustainability of the company, OMNIVISION has established an Environmental, Social and Governance Committee under the Board of Directors (abbreviated “ESG Committee”).

Pioneering Innovation
OMNIVISION has always attached great importance to technology research and development and has continuously increased investment in R&D.

Talent Orientation
OMNIVISION’s most valuable resource is its team of employees. The company cares for and protects the rights and interests of every employee, strives to create an engaging, harmonious and positive working environment for employees.

Green Operations
OMNIVISION has always adhered to the concept of green and low-carbon environmental protection, constantly exploring and practicing energy-saving and emission reduction technologies, and effectively fulfilling its corporate responsibility for environmental protection.

Policy Download
• Code of Business Conduct and Ethic
• Supplier Code of Conduct
• Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy
• Whistleblowing Policy, Corporate ESG Policy
• Conflict Mineral Policy & Board Diversity Policy
• Supplier Code of Conduct
• Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy
• Whistleblowing Policy, Corporate ESG Policy
• Conflict Mineral Policy & Board Diversity Policy