SCG Technology
Selective Conversion Gain Technology enables an optimal image quality and best SNR across all lighting conditions.
Technology Benefits
The technology enables image sensors to select an optimal readout path to eliminate image saturation in extremely bright light conditions and reduces the noise level in ultra-low light environments.
Eliminate Saturations in Bright Environment
The low conversion gain enables a high full well capacity and eliminates the color saturation in extreme bright conditions.

Low Noise Night Mode Image
The additional high conversion gain enables low noise and ensures excellent image quality in ultra-low-light conditions.

SCG Selective Option
SCG allows the sensor to flexibly select low and high conversion gain depending on the scene. When capturing images with low light, high conversion gain helps lower noise and improves the SNR, and low conversion gain helps provide more detail when capturing scenes with bright light, improving SNR at bright light as well as overall dynamic range of the pixel.

Technology Features
The additional conversion gain and SCG switch accommodates extremely bright and dark image readouts in one image sensor, while delivering excellent image quality.
High Conversion GainThe high conversion gain increases sensitivity and reduces the readout noise level, while achieving optimum SNR under low light conditions.
Low Conversion GainThe low conversion gain option is added to achieve a higher full well capacity at bright conditions.
Implement SCG switchBy connecting the high and low conversion gains with the SCG switch, it enables a selective charge detection for an optimal readout path.
OMNIVISION’s SCG technology targets a wide range of mobile and security applications.
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